The Safe Use of QR Codes: How to Avoid QR Code Scams

QR codes have become a ubiquitous part of our digital lives, providing a quick and easy way to access websites, menus, event information, and much more. However, as with any technology, QR codes come with potential security risks. Understanding these risks and knowing how to use QR codes safely can help you avoid scams and protect your personal information. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the safe use of QR codes and how to steer clear of QR code scams.

What Are QR Code Scams?

QR code scams involve malicious actors creating fake QR codes that redirect users to fraudulent websites or prompt them to download malicious software. These scams can lead to various forms of cybercrime, including phishing attacks, data theft, and financial fraud. Scammers might place fraudulent QR codes in public places, send them via email or social media, or embed them in seemingly legitimate websites.

How to Recognize QR Code Scams

  1. Unfamiliar Sources: Be cautious of QR codes from unknown or untrusted sources. Scammers often use public places like bulletin boards, restaurant tables, or printed flyers to distribute malicious QR codes.

  2. Unexpected Prompts: If scanning a QR code prompts you to download an app or enter sensitive information, proceed with caution. Legitimate QR codes rarely require such actions.

  3. Suspicious URLs: After scanning a QR code, check the URL carefully before proceeding. Look for signs of legitimacy such as secure (https://) web addresses and recognizable domain names.

  4. Physical Tampering: Be aware of QR codes that appear to be placed over existing codes. Scammers may cover legitimate codes with fraudulent ones.

Tips for Safe QR Code Usage

  1. Use a Trusted QR Code Scanner: Use a reputable QR code scanning app that offers security features such as URL previews and malware detection.

  2. Verify the Source: Only scan QR codes from trusted sources. Verify the authenticity of the code before scanning, especially if it’s from a new or unknown entity.

  3. Check the URL: After scanning, always check the URL before clicking. Look for misspellings or unusual domain names that could indicate a fraudulent website.

  4. Enable Security Features: Use your smartphone’s security features, such as browser warnings and anti-virus software, to detect and block potential threats.

  5. Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about the latest QR code scams and share this knowledge with friends, family, and colleagues to help them stay safe.

What to Do If You Suspect a QR Code Scam

  1. Do Not Proceed: If you suspect a QR code is fraudulent, do not click on any links or enter any information.

  2. Report It: Report the scam to the relevant authorities, such as your local consumer protection agency or cybercrime unit.

  3. Warn Others: Inform others in your community or network about the potential scam to prevent further incidents.

  4. Update Security Software: Ensure your device’s security software is up-to-date to protect against malware and other threats.

Real-Life Examples of QR Code Scams

  • Fake Parking Tickets: Scammers place fake parking tickets with QR codes on cars, leading victims to fraudulent payment websites.

  • COVID-19 Scams: During the pandemic, scammers used fake QR codes to exploit public fear, leading to fraudulent health information or phishing websites.

  • Restaurant Menu Scams: Fraudulent QR codes are placed on restaurant tables, redirecting diners to phishing sites instead of digital menus.


While QR codes offer a convenient way to access information, it’s essential to use them safely and remain vigilant against potential scams. By following the tips outlined above, you can protect yourself from QR code scams and enjoy the benefits of this versatile technology. Stay informed, stay cautious, and scan safely!

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